Wednesday 2 January 2013

MK Auto Parts Trading

We started here-

Our FIRST business place in KEPONG!


No.9, Jalan Metro Perdana Barat 8,

Sri Edaran Light Industrial Park,
52100 Kepong, Kuala Lumpur,

Location Map :-

Location Map 


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  3. hello, good evening..
    my name is theva from skubai trading customer service.
    i would like to message sir due to inform sir that our organization is a catalytic converter buyer, if there is any catalytic converter to be sell or sir interested sir can contact me( theva)(0124217210)tq

  4. hello, good evening..
    my name is theva from skubai trading customer service.
    i would like to message sir due to inform sir that our organization is a catalytic converter buyer, if there is any catalytic converter to be sell or sir interested sir can contact me( theva)(0124217210)tq

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